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Partition refinement

Given a partition of {0,1,…,n-1} into disjoint sets \(C_1,\ldots,C_k\) and a set \(S\) modify the partition such that each set splits according to membership in S, i.e. produce the partition \(C_1\cap S, C_1\setminus S, \ldots, C_k\cap S, C_k\setminus S\). Find a data-structure representing partitions that allow this operation in time \(O(|S|)\) while preprocessing and space is \(O(n)\). See also wikipedia:partition refinement.

The general approach

Oh well, this post is about a data structure, which not among the simplest. What we want is to represent a partition as list of lists, every list representing a class of the partition.

When we refine \(C_1,\ldots,C_k\) by a set \(S\) (called pivot set), we need be careful to do it in time linear in the size of \(S\). We cannot loop over all sets \(C_j\) of the partition and replace them by \(C_j\cap S\) and \(C_j\setminus S\).

Instead we need to loop over elements of S. For each element \(i\in S\) we need to find the class C which contains i. Now we want to remove the item i from C, such that eventually it would become \(C\setminus S\) and insert it into a class that would eventually become \(C\cap S\). We call this class the split class of C.

So for every class C we need to to know if we created already such a split class, and if not, we need to create one when needed.

Hence we need a data structure that would keep track of

  • a storage for all classes. We need to be able to loop over all classes.
  • a structure for a class, that allows to loop over all elements and possibly link to a corresponding split class
  • a structure for an element, that basically stores its value, and a link to its class

An implementation of refine would have the following structure.

  • for every item i in the pivot set S
    • let C be the class of i
    • if there not yet a split class for C, then create one
    • remove i from C and insert it into the split class of C
  • for all classes C that have split
    • remove the information that C has a corresponding split class

The last step ensures that during the next call to refine, the reminder of the class C, which is now \(C\setminus S\) can again split into a new class.

Double linked lists

The solution we propose allows to maintain an ordering on elements. This is called an ordered permutation refinement data structure. Elements of a class are ordered, and classes are ordered as well. When a class C splits into \(C\cap S\) and \(C\setminus S\), then C gets replaced by these two classes in that order.

For this purpose we will store classes and items in circular double linked lists.

class DoubleLinkedListItem:
    """Item of a circular double linked list

    def __init__(self, anchor=None):
        """Create a new item to be inserted before item anchor.
           if anchor is None: create a single item circular double linked list
        if anchor:
            self.prec = self
            self.succ = self

    def remove(self):
        self.prec.succ = self.succ
        self.succ.prec = self.prec

    def insert(self, anchor):
        """insert list item before anchor
        self.prec = anchor.prec        # point to the neighbors
        self.succ = anchor
        self.succ.prec = self          # make neighbors point to item
        self.prec.succ = self

    def __iter__(self):
        """iterate trough circular list.
        warning: might end stuck in an infinite loop if chaining is not valid
        curr = self
        yield self
        while curr.succ != self:
            curr = curr.succ
            yield curr

With this data structure in mind we can define class and item objects, which are list items augmented with some attributes. An class has a pointer to the head of its item list, and a possible pointer to the corresponding split class. An item has a pointer to its class, and stores its value.

class PartitionClass(DoubleLinkedListItem):
    """A partition is a list of classes

    def __init__(self, anchor=None):
        DoubleLinkedListItem.__init__(self, anchor)
        self.items = None         # empty list
        self.split = None         # reference to split class

    def append(self, item):
        """add item to the end of the item list
        if not self.items:        # was list empty ?
            self.items = item     # then this is the new head

class PartitionItem(DoubleLinkedListItem):
    """A class is a list of items

    def __init__(self, val, theclass):
        self.val = val
        self.theclass = theclass

    def remove(self):
        """remove item from its class
        DoubleLinkedListItem.remove(self)     # remove from double linked list
        if self.succ is self:                 # list was a singleton
            self.theclass.items = None        # class is empty
        elif self.theclass.items is self:     # oups we removed the head
            self.theclass.items = self.succ   # head is now successor

The data structure

class PartitionRefinement:
    """This data structure implements an order preserving partition with refinements.

    def __init__(self, n):
        """Start with the partition consisting of the unique class {0,1,..,n-1}
        complexity: O(n) both in time and space
        c = PartitionClass()                  # initially there is a single class of size n
        self.classes = c                      # reference to first class in class list
        self.items = [PartitionItem(i, c) for i in range(n)]   # value ordered list of items

    def refine(self, pivot):
        """Split every class C in the partition into C intersection pivot and C setminus pivot
        complexity: linear in size of pivot
        has_split = []                        # remember which classes split
        for i in pivot:
            if 0 <= i < len(self.items):      # ignore if outside of domain
                x = self.items[i]
                c = x.theclass                # c = class of x
                if not c.split:               # possibly create new split class
                    c.split = PartitionClass(c)
                    if self.classes is c:
                        self.classes = c.split   # always make self.classes point to the first class
                x.remove()                    # remove from its class
                x.theclass = c.split
                c.split.append(x)             # append to the split class
        for c in has_split:                   # clean information about split classes
            c.split = None
            if not c.items:                   # delete class if it became empty
                del c

    def tolist(self):
        """produce a list representation of the partition
        return [[x.val for x in theclass.items] for theclass in self.classes]

    def order(self):
        """Produce a flatten list of the partition, ordered by classes
        return [x.val for theclass in self.classes for x in theclass.items]


This datastructure finds is application in the twin problem, in the lexBFS traversal of a graph, and on the consecutive ones problem, to name a few.

  • An implementation by David Eppstein. It is much more readable, uses dictionaries and does not preserve an ordering on elements and classes.
