Problems by categories
-, nice problems from Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson (NWERC course in Reykjavik University, Iceland)
- cses, problem set mainly from Antti Laaksonen (Finland)
- trains/paris, nice problems from Vitaly Aksenov (SWERC course in Télécom Paris)
We also selected a few problems, which we think are good training material for programming contests.
Show chapter hint.
problem | judge |
Anagram verifier | [spoj:ANGRAM] |
Boolean Logic | [spoj:BOOLE] |
Arithmetic Expressions | [spoj:AREX] |
Cells | [spoj:IPCELLS] |
Negative Cycles | [spoj:NEGCYC] |
Hike on a Graph | [spoj:HIKE] |
Prime Path | [spoj:PPATH] |
Police Query | [spoj:POLQUERY] |
Fill the cisterns | [spoj:CISTFILL] |
Egg Drop | [gcj:eggdrop] |
Crime Wave | [icpcarchive:5584] |
Dungeon of Death | [spoj:QUEST4] |
Muddy Fields | [spoj:MUDDY] |
Mission Improbable | [kattis:improbable] |
Closest Point Pair | [spoj:CLOPPAIR] |
Closest Triplet | [spoj:CLOSEST] |
The Ant | [spoj:ANTTT] |
Lego | [spoj:LEGO] |
Frosting on the Cake | [icpcarchive:8154] |
Doors and Penguins | [spoj:DOORSPEN] |
Build the Fence | [spoj:BSHEEP] |
Blowing Candles | [icpcarchive:8155] |
Sudoku | [spoj:SUDOKU] |
Making Jumps | [spoj:MKJUMPS] |
Unique Encryption Keys | [icpcarchive:5881] |
ABC Path | [spoj:ABCPATH] |
A Bug’s Life | [spoj:BUGLIFE] |
Mice and Maze | [spoj:MICEMAZE] |
Dragon Maze | [gcj:China2014roundB] |
Reservations of taxis | [kattis:taxicab] |
Stock Charts | [gcj:2009round2C] |
Taxi Cab Scheme | [icpcarchive:3126] |
Fast Maximum Flow | [spoj:FASTFLOW] |
A Famous Grid | [spoj:SPIRALGR] |
Enormous Input Test | [spoj:INTEST] |
The Spiral of Primes | [icpcarchive:2120] |
Prime or Not | [spoj:PON] |
Bazinga! | [spoj:DCEPC505] |
Goldbach graphs | [spoj:GOLDG] |
Free Tour | [spoj:FTOUR] |
The last digit | [spoj:LASTDIG] |
Tiling a Grid With Dominoes | [spoj:GNY07H] |
Roads in Berland | [spoj:CT25C] |
Potholers | [spoj:POTHOLE] |
Maximum Flow | [spoj:FLOW] |
Stable Marriage Problem | [spoj:STABLEMP] |
Ars Longa | [icpcarchive:3563] |
Linear Equation Solver | [spoj:LINQSOLV] |
Minimum Scalar Product | [gcj:2008round1A] |
Minimal Coverage | [timus:1303] |
Huffman Trees | [poj:1261] |
Variable Radix Huffman Encoding | [spoj:VHUFFM] |
Radar Installation | [onlinejudge:1193] |
It can be arranged | [kattis:itcanbearranged] |
Ricochet Robots | [kattis:ricochetrobots] |
4 Values whose Sum is 0 | [poj:2785] |
Maximum Sum Sequences | [spoj:MAXSUMSQ] |
Largest Rectangle | [codechef:LARGEST] |
The Knapsack Problem | [spoj:KNAPSACK] |
Knapsack | [spoj:KNPSACK] |
Find the maximal product of string prefixes | [codility:carbo2013] |
A Needle in the Haystack | [spoj:NHAY] |
Power strings | [kattis:powerstrings] |
Period | [spoj:PERIOD] |
Cobbled streets | [spoj:CSTREET] |
Minimum Spanning Tree | [spoj:MST] |
Selfish Cities | [spoj:SCITIES] |
Philosophers Stone | [spoj:BYTESM2] |
Edit distance | [spoj:EDIST] |
Advanced Edit Distance | [spoj:ADVEDIST] |
Longest Common Substring | [spoj:LCS] |
Easy Longest Increasing Subsequence | [spoj:ELIS] |
Lowest Common Ancestor | [spoj:LCA] |
Longest Palindromic Substring | [spoj:LPS] |
Casting Spells | [kattis:castingspells] |
Mixtures | [spoj:Mixtures] |
The Safe Secret | [kattis:safesecret] |
Sweet and Sour Rock | [spoj:ROCK] |
Mergesort | [spoj:MERGSORT] |
Landscaping | [kattis:landscaping] |
Coconuts | [spoj:COCONUTS] |
Word Rings | [spoj:WORDRING] |
The Next Permutation | [spoj:NEXT] |
Great Swerc | [spoj:SWERC14A] |
Almost Shortest Path | [spoj:SAMER08A] |
Flowery Trails | [kattis:flowerytrails] |
Labyrinth | [spoj:LABYR1] |
Longest path in a tree | [spoj:PT07Z] |
SpeedCameras | [codility:calcium2015] |
Toil for Oil | [spoj:OIL] |
T9 | [poj:1451] |
Fibonacci Sum | [spoj:FIBOSUM] |
Longest Common Substring | [spoj:LCS] |
Negative Score | [spoj:RPLN] |
Largest Rectangle in a Histogram | [spoj:HISTOGRA] |
Galerie d'art | [prologin:2012:galerie] |
Rectangle | [spoj:HMSRECT] |
Making Chess Boards | [spoj:CT101CC] |
Capital City | [spoj:CAPCITY] |
Encryption | [spoj:CENCRY] |
Phone List | [spoj:PHONELST] |
A concrete simulation | [spoj:ACS] |
Havannah | [gcj:2013round3B] |
Boat Burglary | [spoj:BURGLARY] |
Easy sudoku | [spoj:EASUDOKU] |
Back to the future | [prologin:demi2012] |
Topological Sorting | [spoj:TOPOSORT] |
Project File Dependencies | [spoj:PFDEP] |
All Disks Considered | [spoj:ALL] |
Small TSP | [spoj:STSP] |
Collecting Beepers | [kattis:beepers] |
Menu tour | [spoj:MENUTOUR] |
Spelling Lists | [spoj:MIB] |
Yodaness Level | [spoj:YODANESS] |
Spell checker | [icpcarchive:3872] |
Manhattan | [kattis:manhattan] |
Soldiers on Parade | [spoj:SOPARADE] |
City Park | [icpcarchive:6889] |
Épiphanie | [prologin:2011:epiphanie] |