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Searching a substring


Comment planifier une todo-list ?


Dessiner sans lever le crayon !


Alternating direction method of multipliers

Introducing ADMM!

Utiliser Paint pour les sudokus


Representing graphs in Python

How to represent a graph in Python ?

Trier un tableau en un nombre minimal d'étapes d'insertion

Le problème

Iterative Machine Teaching

This is a random discussion surrounding the ICML 2017 paper Iterative Machine Teaching.

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Compute for every integer n between 0 and N (excluded), the minimum number of operations to reduce it to zero. Allowed operations: decrease by 1 or divide by a factor, not larger than its square root.

Comment marche l'outil "Seau" de Paint ?


PQ trees

Given a collection of sets over some ground set, find an order on the ground set such that every set consists of consecutive (contiguous) elements.

Covering points with a strip

Given n points in the 2-dimensional plane find a strip with minimal width that covers all the points.

Des ballons et des plafonds

Path Statistics

In this article, I talk about this problem (of HackerRank). Try to solve it first!

Jouons à Google Flights avec Bellman-Ford !


SymPy vs. SageMath: symbolic computation and automatic differentiation in Python

Get Started

Forming arithmetic expression meeting target value

Given n integers and a target value form an arithmetic expression evaluating to the target value.

Mission improbable

Explanation for the problem mission improbable from the ACM final in 2017. Read the problem statement first.

PyParis : 12–13 juin à La Défense

Le logo de PyParis

Nos conseils pour l'option ICN : idées à coder

Voici des idées d’activités pour l’option ICN au lycée, ou plus généralement toute activité de programmation pour lycéens.