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École polytechnique ICPC SWERC Training

INF471S now CSC_41M02_EP

  • Xeppelin won SWERC 2024! And cnXtv got a Silver Medal.
  • cnXtv and eXotic got 2 Silver medals at SWERC 2023! cnXtv advance to EUC and ICPC 2024 World Finals!

Instructors: Jill-Jênn Vie and Simon Mauras

INF471S, now CSC_41M02_EP Programmation compétitive – ICPC SWERC training

Fridays 10:30-18:00 in lab info 35, contact us for more information.

  1. Introduction
  2. Pathfinding
  3. DP
  4. Search: Binary, Ternary, Backtracking
  5. Advanced graphs
  6. Advanced and dynamic data structures – Segment trees
  7. Pathfinding, Matching and Flows
  8. Geometry
  9. String Processing XCPC
  10. Bonus: Hungarian
  11. Bonus: Advanced trees – Union-Find, Lowest Common Ancestor, Heavy-Light Decomposition